“I am a third-year student in Fundamental Computer Science.   Before I could obtain the scholarship, I was truly overwhelmed by financial limitations in paying for my studies this year. My parents were experiencing profound financial difficulties, so I understood how difficult it would be for me to afford my education.

I was lamenting before God, reminding Him of His promises because He is the one who brought me to the university. One day, while I was checking my WhatsApp messages, I saw a message accompanied by a link from our team member, Uncle JOSEPH, asking me to complete the form step by step. After completing the form, I returned to the village to assist my father in the hospital, who was suffering from eye problems that required surgery. A few days later, Uncle Joseph called me to return to Maroua and collect my scholarship.

The impact the scholarship had, is beyond words to describe concretely. Everything my friends and I have said, that God is above all and controls all things, has come true. I want to thank Campus Life Maroua and its quality partners. May your God bless you abundantly, and I hope to one day pay forward.”